Sunday, January 1, 2012

The 18-Month Job Search

I am a SAHM. I was a SAHM and now am returning to the working world, going to work for someone else. Before I was a SAHM I worked for myself, started two small businesses, sold one of them right around the time I became pregnant with our second child.

This should be interesting.

I love being a SAHM, for the most part. I love my kids, spending time with them, volunteering at their schools.

But I do miss using the rest of my brain. And the extra income. But I have no choice - we need the money so I am headed back to work.

After an 18-month job search. Eighteen. Months. I did it all, LinkedIn, CareerBuilder, Ladders, etc. But I have a resume gap of a few years, and was trying to get back into something I haven't done since 2002 so that was a bit of a hurdle.

Are you in the same boat? All I can say is network, network, network. That is the best way to get past the many resume submissions.

One week left until I start my new job. I need a work wardrobe, a house that can run itself, and I hope to organize the basement before I start.

Are you in?